The New Norm
Content Created by UCSB Students for Students
Inspirational speeches from great leaders.
By Bill & Carl

The Strange, The Spectacular, and The Bizarre
This week’s OSA video playlist is brought to you by the strange, the spectacular, and the bizarre! In this playlist you’ll find videos of artists performing music in novel ways. From playing sitar in a pop-funk context with Scary Pockets to having a MIDI-programmed grand piano fixed to a giant swinging pendulum performing Aphex Twin compositions, this playlist covers everything odd and unique that music has to offer.
By Bill & Carl

Chefing it up in Lockdown!
Since there is a master chef event coming up this week, we decided to supplement it with a playlist of food and cooking centered videos. From videos exploring restaurants and world foods to cooking how-tos at home, this playlist will get you hungry and motivated either to get in the kitchen or order too much takeout...
By Bill,Carl, KD

"Educate, Entertain and Inspire” Through Technology
Today we see how artists utilize technology to portray their ideas and art into the world. From digital performances on almost every platform, to holograms at festivals, these non-conventional ways inspire new avenues for the art of performing. In this playlist, you will see how artists are now adapting at the pace of technology advancements to reach a wider audience through their digital performances.
By Elli & Alma
Who needs a band anyway?
This playlist showcases ways in which musicians are blending cutting-edge technology into their music. The artists featured here are utilizing new types of sound generation methods like synthesizers and creating their own unique instruments and effects units. All of the audio in this playlist’s videos is performed live, with no pre-recorded backing tracks. As a result of this limitation, many of the artists included here use advanced forms of looping, a process in which a section of a piece is performed live and subsequently replayed for a specific duration while layers of other sections are stacked on top of it. Genres range all the way from funk to jazz to classical, showing how new technology is affecting the innovation of all forms of music.
By Bill & Carl

The Community is Up & Dancing!

...Something that is unwritten or unspoken that draws us together. Making us feel stronger when those members are close together. Dance in our community is everywhere; found on a Friday night in IV or in the theater watching a company. Here at UCSB dance is something that draws us all in. For some its culturally, others for fun, and for some, it is a passion. This week we focus on dance and how It brings together our community in so many ways!
By Elli & Alma

IV Vibes For Stolen Spring Lives
This playlist is intended to remind UCSB students who are under shelter-in-place orders of their beautiful campus and Isla Vista. The videos were sourced from both our team and UCSB seniors. We asked them what music reminds them most of a carefree day during a normal spring quarter and this is the result. The playlist is anchored by songs from the artists Surfaces and Still Woozy and complemented by genres such as R&B, Electronic, Alternative, Pop, and Australian Surf Rock. Enjoy!
By Bill & Carl
Change, What it looks Like for musicians A&L
Artists and change over time are the focus of this youtube playlist. A timeline showing how two artists have developed over their careers and the shifting meanings behind their works. Singer and guitarist St. Vincent played a show for Arts and Lectures in 2013 with David Byrne performing their Collab album "Love This Giant". Since then St. Vincent has dropped three albums and played at some of the world’s biggest stages and music festivals.
Yo-Yo Ma has performed for Arts & Lectures on numerous occasions, both as a solo musician and accompanied by others. Over time he has adapted his style of performance to reach a wider audience from performing in symphonies, tiny desk concerts and music videos to starting movements such as ‘#SongsOfComfort’ amid a global crisis.
“I think music was invented to serve a purpose whether it is to take you to a specific state of mind, or to create a sense of communal well-being, I think music in some ways is the science of the soul, it's the science of the inner life."
Twitter: @YoYo_Ma Amy Harris / Invision / AP St. Vincent mesmerizes the masses during Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival at Empire Polo Club in Indio, Calif., April 20.

By Elli & Alma
Quarantine Session
Aside from Tom Misch and Yussef Dayes live performances from right before lockdown, the artists we have picked are all recording and performing from home. Some, such as Ichika Nito and Tim Henson have collaborated from across the world to produce amazing sounds. This playlist showcases some of the interesting ways in which musicians have adapted to the quarantine, from animated music videos such as Risk or covers of other songs about change such as Tom Misch's rendition of Thundercat's "Changes."
By Bill & Carl