The New Norm
Content Created by UCSB Students for Students

Quarantine Hub
This week’s theme is hope, and during this time, it was very easy to define what hope meant to us. Regarding the protests and riots happening nationwide and internationally, this week echoed the voices and purpose of #BlackLivesMatter. This movement focuses on bringing awareness and justice to black lives in this country. The soulless murder of George Floyd was just the tip of the iceberg. However, we have hope. We have hope to those who are aware, who are educating themselves, who are speaking up, and who are taking action. In the future, our generation will be the ones to lead this country to be better and we have nothing but hope.
By Sam, Jason, Brianna, Shannon
Quarantine Hub
This week’s theme is strange, spectacular, and bizarre. This theme can be applied to concepts, science, music, art, and even the pure existence of the human race. To be strange, spectacular, and bizarre is to be different. Rarity and uniqueness have its pros and cons, but at times, difference allows change and new perspectives. To us, strange, spectacular, and bizarre is beautiful and should be acknowledged, especially amongst individuals. This week we have compiled a playlist of podcasts on Spotify regarding the theme, talking about topics ranging from individualism, life, and other concepts.
By Sam, Jason, Brianna, Shannon

Quarantine Hub
This week’s theme is collaboration. To us, collaboration is teamwork and the process of working with others to fulfill a goal. Collaboration allows for greater things to happen while developing strong relationships between people. In fact, it can range from small activities and groups to larger ones. Whether it’s working in an office setting, making music, or working together virtually, collaboration is necessary and key. This week, we’ve invited Andrew Becker from Careless Cub to talk with us his music and the teamwork he shares with his band.
By Sam, Jason, Brianna, Shannon

Quarantine Hub
When it comes to one’s well-being, there are many factors that come into mind and are worth considering. For example, such factors include: physical and mental health, social life, friends, family, fitness, arts and music. Especially during these hard times, the most simple things become the greatest in our everyday appreciation. It is important that as humans, we remind ourselves the little things that contribute to our happiness and well-being.
By Sam, Jason, Brianna, Shannon

Quarantine Hub
Technology and innovation has advanced within the past decade. These advancements have had their effects on the music industry. Most of us began listening to music on MP3s, CDs, and even vinyls. However, with the access to efficient technology, all types of music (and even podcasts) are at our fingertips. Through social media apps, music is able to be spread and recognized even faster! Although technology has changed over time, the presence and impact of music hasn’t.
By Sam, Jason, Brianna, Shannon

Quarantine Hub
The theme of community can vary. However, our interpretation and definition of community is more general. Community to us includes being with friends, family, and being in touch with our culture and roots. For most community settings and environments, there is a collective identity and a sense of belonging for those who are included. Therefore, this week we created a collaborative Spotify playlist that consists of podcasts we found surrounding the important aspects of community, such as being with loved ones, culture, religious groups, etc. It’s important to emphasize the significance of community and how prevalent its impact is, especially during hard times.
By Sam, Jason, Brianna, Shannon

Quarantine Hub
This week’s podcast focuses on the changes that have happened in the co-hosts' lives. They update each other on their current situations, and how a global pandemic has taken a toll on them. Each shares their experiences with the coronavirus and the effects it brought in their daily lives. Tune in as Sam, Jason, Brianna, and Shannon learn to adapt to these changes for the better and cope with the stress of a new living environment.
By Sam, Jason, Brianna, Shannon