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The Coolest Eco Inventions

Ruby Sanchez

Updated: Jun 5, 2020

There are countless Eco inventions helping to save the planet, but few people know about these fascinating inventions. Many of these inventions are zero waste, and are proof that we can live in a sustainable and just environment. Also, you don’t need an engineering degree to be an inventor. Some of these inventions have been created by teenagers in their own backyards. Bringing these ideas to life has had a positive impact on the environment. Unfortunately, the 21st century has witnessed a drastic increase in environmental destruction that has never been seen at this rate before. Fossil fuel burning, deforestation, plastic waste, and loss of biodiversity are just a few of the things that are affecting the environment. We do need systematic changes to tackle issues like climate change. However, these Eco inventions definitely are a call to action and raise awareness on how we can do our part to protect the environment.

Rapid Roll “T”

I always thought solar panels were only supposed to be placed on the roof of a building. This Eco invention proved me wrong. The Rapid Roll “T” are mobile solar panels that can be placed in any open space. For example, an open field would be a great spot to place the Rapid Roll “T”. It only takes a few minutes to set it up and is able to power energy-intensive operations. The Rapid Roll “T” is great for temporary events, such as disaster relief, film production, and music festivals. The first thing that came to my mind when learning about Rapid Roll “T” was the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival . It’s a temporary event and it’s located in the desert. I’m not sure what energy source this festival uses at the moment, but if Coachella is looking to become sustainable and Eco friendly, I believe they should try this Eco invention.

Solar Water Purification System

14-year-old Deepika Kurup is one of few teenagers who created an Eco invention in her own backyard. She created a purification system powered by solar energy. Deepika was inspired to create this when she saw Indian children drink from a source of polluted water. Her invention won $25,000 in the Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist Challenge. In the future, she plans to patent her invention and start a non-profit organization. Deepika wants her invention accessible to many different communities, especially ones who lack access to clean drinkable water. Learning about Deepika’s invention was very inspirational. The younger generations are aware of the existing environmental problems and are taking action to make change.


The V5 Seabin unit has to be one of my favorite Eco inventions. It is a floating garbage can that moves across the surface of the water by pumping water into the appliance. The Seabin reduces water pollution by collecting plastic waste from the ocean. There is a filter at the center that separates debris, trash, and oil. Seabin has managed to capture 900,261 kg of plastic waste since its launch in 2014. As of August 2019, there are 719 seabins in 50 countries. Right now the Seabin primarily works in marinas, however by 2027 the team aims to be out of shore and into the ocean gyres.

Every time I go to the beach, I find trash washed up on the shore. The ocean is often a dumping ground because many people tend to think “out of sight, out of mind”. That is not the right mindset to have if we want to live in a clean and safe environment. I have to admit, at times I do feel discouraged about my actions towards being sustainable. I think, “Oh, this isn’t enough to create change?”, but I will say that is not true! Any action done to reduce an ecological footprint has an impact on the environment. Whether it’s consuming less meat, using public transportation, ditching single-use plastic, or picking up trash at the beach, it all makes a difference. Take, for example, the Seabin project, it was created by ordinary people who wanted to see a change in their community and were passionate about the ocean. These people took an idea and made it into a reality.

Are Eco Inventions the Future?

There are so many Eco inventions, it would be impossible to fit it all in one blog. I wrote about these specific Eco inventions because they offer solutions to a range of different environmental and social problems. In the future, I am sure we will see an increase in the creation of new Eco inventions because of new technology and research. Eco inventions are undoubtedly doing good for the environment, but we should not stop there. Let’s keep demanding change to a system that constantly exploits the environment!




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